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Last Man 1.06 Beta

Last Man 1.06 Beta

В этой версии игры мы продолжить наше путешествие вглубь пещеры, которую нам показала Вера. Вам нужно будет переиграть последнюю встречу с ней, чтоб закончить ваше путешествие. Вас там ждут немного странных находок.

Исправлены застревания в некоторых моментах игры.

Я так же добавил обновленные тексты на сервис переводов, в следующем билде они будут интегрированы в игру.

Если вы хотите помочь сделать переводы или отредактировать тексты, пройдите по этой ссылке.

[su_note note_color=”#efefe9″ radius=”10″]Публичная версия 1.01 (PC)

Ссылка для скачивания и список изменений доступны на странице игры.

[su_note note_color=”#efefe9″ radius=”10″]Клубная версия 1.06 (PC/Android/iOS/Mac OS)

Ссылка для скачивания и список изменений доступны в Private Club.
А также:
Android версия игры
iOS/Mac версия игры
100% прохождение

Информация о клубе

In this version of the game, we continue our journey into the cave, which Vera showed us. You will need to replay the last meeting with her to complete your journey. There you can find some strange findings.

Fixed getting stuck in some moments of the game.

I also added the updated texts in translation service and in the next build, they will be integrated into the game.

If you want to help make translations or edit the text, click here.

[su_note note_color=”#efefe9″ radius=”10″]Public build 1.01 (PC)

The full list of changes and download links are available at game’s page.

[su_note note_color=”#efefe9″ radius=”10″]Private Club build 1.06 (PC/Android/iOS/Mac OS)

The full list of changes and download links are available in Private Club.
Android version
iOS/Mac version
100% Walkthrough

More info about club

  • October 22, 2015

    Game closes/crash when entering the tunnel (after the underground train) where a person is standing and the “Straight ahead” button is pushed.

  • psyco_mantis
    October 23, 2015

    there is a bug in the end tunelle, when clicked “next” in the part added by this version, the programe closes.


      • psyco_mantis
        October 23, 2015

        I play on PC in french

        • olivier370
          October 23, 2015

          i have the same bug and i play on pc in french

  • corax199
    October 23, 2015

    i have the same problem its in the tunnels in the cave get to the part where i see a picture of a man in the background then game closes

  • psyco_mantis
    October 23, 2015

    I have I re-download and install, the problem persists, as I tried to change language but not better…

  • October 23, 2015

    I also did re-install the 1.06 Beta but the same problems still is there: game crash in the tunnel with the man when the “Straight ahead” button is pushed. I play the game in English.
    Also did notice that in the save game directory, the file version.ini says:

    last = 1.05

    When that INI file is removed and game is started again, that same line is there even though it is 1.06 which is played.

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