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In today's update, we begin the 10th chapter of the game. As soon as our hero come back home, the new adventures was waiting for him there. You will meet new characters, who will make you run around the city. And soon you will be able to see some old acquaintances. Also, the server part of the game has been updated,

Today we have a continuation of the gamestory of the 9th chapter. There is our hero's last chance to know something new about the settlement, before Julia comes into operation. You will be able to visit some new places, and meet new people. I also fixed some bugs in the second and the third chapters of the game. Including savings on

Today we have many fixes, so I recommend everyone to update the game. First, I modified saves, so now they have to work consistently on all gaming platforms. If you somehow still will have problems with saving or loading, please email me. Request for help in the comments or bugtracker will not be considered. I also have corrected the save after

Today we have updates for the club and the public versions of the game. New version - 1.52. Now, we will always release joint build with a weekly update. So now, people who use the public version will get bug fixes and improved functionality faster. But, the new locations and game story, as before, will be available in early access

Today, we have again continuation of the storyline. Added two new scenes, you can walk a bit around the territory and "communicate" with one of the girls, who you met there previously. Also I made corrections in storyline with the Club, which we have opened in the second city, and all the scenes are now working. Slightly was updated the server part

The new version of the game this week was delayed for couple of days, but I was working on a serious and big changes in the game, about which I wrote in the last news. In this build have become available online saving. Now all your game progress will be stored at the server. Cross-platform support: you can start playing