In this update you will find a continuation of the last event with Agatha, our hero's neighbor. It will launch a new chain of quests for the relations development with this girl, of course, if you want this. You can find it in the morning after spending the night in the first city.In addition, many technical improvements have been made. For

What's new in 2.26 (September pack)?New tasks for the game!More "Questions" for your opponentChallenges coming soonBetter Android supportBugs fixedTry something new with your couple this weekend ;)Click here to get more information or download this game.For whom this game?You are a couple of lovers who are together for a long time and want to try something new in your bed,

My short vacation is over, and I back to active work.Many of you have been playing Last Man for a long time, regularly, or with interruptions, returning to go through new story events. This month there will be something interesting for you. I want to expand the number of "New Game +" elements in the game that will help you

The new build of the game is a bit simplified. I'm currently on vacation and do not have access to my working computer. So in this build you will find a lot of bug fixes, which have already accumulated recently, but there are no new scenes in it.Also, some changes were made to the work of the city exploration button